Minggu, 25 September 2011


First. Provide the tools he needs it: - Cloth Wipe Clean, smooth and soft cloth, and coarse (type catton better) Clean Water Shampoo Eucalyptus oil Hair Dryer Straighten Tool / Penyerut Water (usually to clean his glass) / ID cardbekas Second. Clean the cover-cover motor body in advance .. Use a landline and clean water, rinse with water when it is. Ensure clean and no dirt / mud that sticks. Use eucalyptus oil to remove stains that can not lose with soap, such as glue left over from the previous sticker marks / additional sticker (sticker cutting, etc.). If Yes, Clean again with soap and water. * Do not do it in a place exposed to direct sunlight and areas that are dusty / windy and dusty. Third This step is a step to start the installation sticker .. Spray the water is mixed with...

Jumat, 23 September 2011

Triple-X Custom Graphic Decals

Founded in 2010, Triple X Custom Graphic Graphic Market Continues Setting the Standard Vehicle Want Pun Off The Road On The Road! We Provide Graphic Kit For MX Motorcycles, Enduro, Bike Sport And We Keep Evolving. With Triple X Kit Custom Graphic Graphic, Vehicle You Will Get Attention! All Graphic The Digital Ink Printed with UV Resistant Durable All Guaranteed. Graphic Kits We Make Picture With Severe Clear And Detailed, Up to 16 Million Colors. Image Quality and Detail We are second to none! Easy to Use, Kit We Made From Highly Durable Materials, Ultra, Vinyl Bending. After Graphic Kit Coatings Adhesives Paired With Us, Make Happy Ritrama Duty - Hold That Allows Even The Most Extreme Conditions Once Pun. We Laminates Using The Strong Enough To Armor Like Protection Layers. Triple - X...

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